Аудирование. Часть 2.
Задания А1 – А7 – с выбором ответа из предложенных вариантов (верно, неверно, не было указано в тексте). Повышенный уровень – аудирование с извлечением необходимой (запрашиваемой) информации.
Mike’s family
• Pre-listening stage
1. Read some Proper Names, which are difficult to pronounce.
Quebec Liverpool
Cathay Pacific airline
McGill University
2. (Prediction) Well, look at all these expressions carefully. Try to guess in what way they can be connected with Mike’s father and mother.
… spent his childhood …
… first met …
... got married …, etc.
• While-listening task
3. Listen to the text for the first time and see whether your guesses were right or wrong. You may take some notes while listening.
4. (Selective translation) Mike says that his sister and he are definitely quite different. Will you translate the following extract: I was a rebellious type. I pretty much laid the foundation for my sister to get all the freedoms that she has – Mum and Dad treat her differently now. But she doesn’t appreciate any of those things. Is this situation typical when parents treat elder and younger children differently? Why do you think so?
5. Listen to the interview with Mike and choose the right variant to questions A1 – A7 – True, False or Not Stated.
Вы услышите интервью. Определите; какие из приведённых утверждений А1 – А7 соответствуют содержанию текста (1 – True), какие не соответствуют (2 – False) и о чём в тексте не сказано, то есть на основании текста нельзя дать ни положительного, ни отрицательного ответа (3 – Not Stated). Обведите номер выбранного вами варианта ответа. Вы услышите запись дважды, У вас есть 20 секунд, чтобы ознакомиться с заданиями.
Now we are ready to start.
Interviewer: So Mike, you mentioned your family, do you have a big family?
Mike: No, I have a fairly small family, actually, including me there are only four people in my family.
Int: So it's your mother, your father, you...
Mike: And my sister.
Int: Oh, and your sister. OK, is your sister younger or older than you?
Mike: She's younger. She's just started university actually.
Int: OK, that's nice. So where does your family live right now?
Mike: Ah, my mother and my father live in Victoria in Canada and my sister is on the other side of Canada in Montreal in Quebec and I live in the capital.
Int: Well, tell me about your father. What's your father like?
Mike: My father is pretty much the most interesting person I know. He tells different kinds of stories about his childhood, and his growing up.
Int: Did he grow up in Canada?
Mike: No, he grew up in Liverpool, in England.
Int: OK, nice, and what does your father do?
Mike: Ah, he was a pilot until five years ago. It was kind of tragic, he had a heart attack and he wasn't allowed to fly anymore.
Int: Oh, I'm sorry.
Mike: He's fine now, yeah.
Int: OK, what about your mother? Does she work?
Mike: No, she doesn't. She used to work. They both worked for Cathay Pacific airline. My mother was a stewardess and my father was a pilot. She was first introduced to him as a new member of the crew when they flew together to Osaka.
Int: Oh, what a story. OK and what about your sister? You said that she's a student.
Mike: She's a student. She's in her first year in McGill University which is in Quebec. I haven't spoken to her lately so I don't know how she's doing.
Int: So you and your sister, are you similar or quite different?
Mike: Oh, we are definitely quite different.
Int: How so?
Mike: I was a rebellious type. I pretty much laid the foundation for my sister to get all the freedoms that she has – Mum and Dad treat her differently now. But she doesn't appreciate any of those things. Another way that we're different is that she's really into arts and drawing and painting and making music whereas I'm more into the technical side of things, like computer making, fixing cars.
Int: So it sounds like you are quite different. Well, maybe she'll listen to this and she'll appreciate you more.
Mike: I hope so.
You have 15 seconds to complete the task. (Pause 15 se¬conds.)
Now you will hear the text again. (Repeat.) This is the end of the task. You now have 15 seconds to check your answers. (Pause 15 seconds.)
A1 – 3 (not stated) A5 – 2 (false)
A2 – 1 (true) A6 – 1 (true)
A3 – 3 (not stated) A7 – 2 (false)
A4 – 1 (true)
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